Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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proud to be Green

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Several years ago, our daughter decided that her parents had mourned, too long, the death of their much beloved Chocolate Labrador. She thought it would be best if she got a small dog for them.

Having tearfully inspected the SPCA facility, at the last kennel, a paw reached out and grabbed at her hand. This was to be our gal "Sal".

My husband and I presented ourselves at the shelter to be greeted by a larger black dog with brown and black spots perched on top of the outside dog house. It was love at first site.

She has become our faithful companion and what a friend she is!

I must add that since we discovered your Happy Tails, her plate is licked clean. This is the first dry dog food that she will eat without having it saturated with canned meat. For whatever ingredients you have in Happy Tails, we a re most grateful, in that this will help take off a few pounds that a (somewhat indulged) older dog tends to accumulate.

Sally and her owners send their thanks.

Sally's "Maw & Paw"


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