Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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We have tried several brands of food for our English Mastiff puppy Ozart, now weighing in at 205 lbs, which our Vet says is the perfect weight for him at two years old! He was originally fed Nutro Max but we changed foods after discovering he was not gaining enough weight as a puppy. After some research we switch him to Orijen - an expensive high end brand, to eliminate fillers present in many commercial brands! Seemed like a good move but Ozart did not like it! We switched back to Nutro but were disappointed in resulting dull coat & massive hair loss!

We then discovered Happy Tails after reading the impressive list of ingredients including organics combined with high density free range lamb & local ocean fish mix. We were also pleased at the price point feeding a super sized breed dog, priced similar to Nutro & much less than Orijen! We were delighted when opening the bag to find a rich fresh apprearance & smelling better than the other brands -Ozart "loved it"! The results were evident very quickly, no more hair loss - a beautiful shiny coat!

Thanks for producing this wonderful product - we are pleased to tell other people what we feed him, to achieve his heath & vitality!

 Chris & Trish Connor
 North Saanich, B.C.


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