Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Twinkles, Pepper and Scooter
Twinkles, Pepper and Scooter

We have probably been feeding our trio Happy Tails since you have been making it. I seem to recall someone gave us a free sample at one of the local grocery stores. They took to it right away. We did try putting them on a senior formula once. They did not like it and their coats looked cull and matted. So they went back to Happy Tails which they prefer and their coats look and feel much better.

Thanks for you quick response regarding the ongoing tainted pet food concerns. I feel much better hearing from you personally and we will continue feeding our cats your dry formula. We thought you might enjoy a picture of our happy trio. From left to right, Twinkles (12 years), Pepper (12 years) and Scooter (just celebrated his 13th birthday). All have been raised on Happy Tails!

Fred and Yvonne


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