Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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RelaxingMy name is Taiga, I'm a seven year old Siberian husky and I'm writing today to tell you all about how much I enjoy my Happy Tails dog food. I've been on Happy Tails now for not quite two years after my owner, Chris, met one of your sales reps at a Thrifty's grocery store. As usual, I was patiently waiting outside of the grocery store to see what kind of treats I might score that day. I got to try a few kibbles from a sample pack right there and when asked, I barked my approval. I enjoy Happy Tails because it tastes great. My favorite way to eat Happy Tails is with a splash of hot water slurried around with the kibble. I especially love sticking my nose up to a freshly opened bag for a good sniff. Chris says that if I'm not careful he's going to cut my nose clean off on of these days with the scissors but I can't help myself. Chris likes to buy me Happy Tails because he says they have high quality ingredients and appreciates the opportunity to support a local business. Thank you Happy Tails for making such great chow.

Yours truly, Taiga


Surveying I'm quite the adventurous dog and in seven years I've accompanied Chris to work with all his jobs. I've planted trees, cut down trees, sold cars, traded stocks, picked fruit, fought forest fires and patrolled ski hills just to name a few. We've road tripped almost every road in BC as well as driving to such places as Alaska, West Virginia, Manitoba and California. Daring



I've started my own blog to chronicle some of my adventures, (although right now Chris has about 6 and a half years worth of entries to catch up on its in the works) check it out at www.taigatales.blogspot.com

Chris Poschmann


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