Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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A Happy Pippa

Happy Tails made my Pippa a Happy Dog....

Started my dog Pippa on Happy Tails after receiving two samples while shopping at Thriftys... took the samples home and presented some to Pippa who was 4 yrs old at the time, the food was very well received by her.

My Pippa had been bile vomiting for some time... every other day usually in the morning... pool little girl would heave and heave before bringing up bile and mucus... my heart ached for her but what could I do... according to the Internet it was common in small dogs, checked with her vet when she had her annual check up and the same answer... I tried feeding her late at night, giving her a biscuit first thing in the morning, I even tried to get her to take Tums.... nothing worked so I thought that she would be like that for the rest of her life.

No one suggested changing her food... I gave Pippa her usual food but substituted a quarter of it with the Happy Tails sample and within a week it suddenly dawned on me... no more vomiting. She has been on Happy Tails for quite a while now and not one, not one bout of vomiting since the day she got Happy Tails.

I thank you and I know that Pippa thanks you and will be forever grateful for the happy days she now enjoys.

In Appreciation....

Margaret & Pippa Hoyle


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