Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Morgi the Corgi

We wanted to write to express our gratitude for, and to endorse, your business and product. What a great concept!

Morgan is over 11 years old. He is a member of our family and has grown with our children. We love him dearly and care for his health as much as our own. It has been a constant struggle finding a quality food for him. He has digestive problems with fats, wheat, chicken, and various other things. He also struggles with his weight. It has necessitated us cutting his food back to only a half cup per meal 2X per day. He always looks hungry, and it is so hard for us, but we know it's best for his health. The problem is that other food use so many fillers, corn and wheat; i.e., carbs. He digests the carbs so quickly that he is hungry again in very short order. The carbs also make him gain weight. Trying to find a food high in protein without carbs, bad fats, wheat, and chicken is nigh impossible.

Your food is perfect. You've controlled the carbs, eliminated high amounts of grains (especially corn & wheat), bad fats, and eliminated chicken. The top grade lamb (lean) and fresh herring is brilliant (the fresh herring providing the essential fatty acids--good fat). We're so pleased to see it's made in our home town as well. The most important thing is that he loves Happy Tails. He sits by his bowl and licks it long after it is gone, and we can tell he loves it.

Thank you, and we wish you all the best in expanding your business across the North American market. We know the dogs across North America will love you for it!

Steve & Nancy Morgan


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