Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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First of all, I have to say that my cat LOVES your cat food. Putting that word in bold, italics and all capital letters is the best I can do to emphasize how much she loves it, but she likes it even more than that. Having tried her on a number of cat foods, the last of which was grain free (that experiment ended when she jumped on the table to eat a bowl of oatmeal).

I was quite impressed the first time I put a sample of the Happy Tails in front of her. I was actually afraid she was going to choke because she literally dove in and came up with such a mouthful of kibbles that she couldn't chew! I like to give her a little canned food as a treat but the kibble is apparently so good that she no longer seems to care about canned food, only showing the kind of excitement she used to reserve for treats when I refill the kibbles. Her skin and coat problems have disappeared since switching to this food and I'm quite sure there's been a change in her behaviour too! Obviously she can't tell me but she certainly seems to be a happier cat.
I thank you and so does Mischka!



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