Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Thank you for your Happy Tails Dog Food.

Our Boxer "Josie" suffers from allergies. This resulted in loss of fur from her Tails and itchy skin and was impossible to control. We tried a number of recommended dog foods with no relief. Our search continued and one day we were fortunate enough to obtain a sample of Happy Tails Dog Food at a display put on by the producer of the food at the Shar-Kare store. Josie loved the sample and had no ill effects whatsoever.

We have since purchased Happy Tails Dog Food regularly for our beloved Pet. Josie is now seven years old; runs and plays regularly and feels great and her allergies are under control. Another relief to us, her owners, is that her stools are not loose and much, much, easier to pick up, not only from our yard, but also during daily walks.

Over the last 30 plus years, we have had six Boxers and many different dog foods and we are of the opinion that Happy Tails Dog Food is great food for our pet and are also aware that it only contains the best of ingredients.

Campbell River, Vancouver Island


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