Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Follow-up testimonial - 2012:

I just want to say Hi and Copen is still eating and Loving Happy Tails after close to seven years. He's a happy male tuxedo cat. His coat is beautiful, he's very smart and social. We are lucky to have such a wonderful product. Thank You Happy Tails! You guys rock. Forever Grateful for your past Goodness. Cheers, All the Best.

1st testimonial - 2009

Copen has been eating Happy Tails close to 4 years now. He is a happy, healthy social cat. He eats about a cup a day and loves drinking cool, running water from tap in bathroom sink. He has his own cat door so he comes and goes as he pleases. He stays in most of the night snuggling next to his Papa which is fine by me. He loves getting attention and gets along well with big dogs as long as they are smart and mellow. He also now tolerates a homeless cat who I've been feeding regularly these last five months. He is delightful company and I love him.

Thank you Happy Tails!



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