Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Read BC Pets & Friends featuring China

Thank You for phoning from the island and educating me on the questionable quality of ingredients in most pet foods - very enlightening.

I now have even more confidence that Happy Tails dog food is safe and healthy and our experience with it has verified that our dog's ear problems were diet related.

After two years of unsuccessful vet visits and food changes, China's ears are now fine.  It took about 1 month of feeding her Happy Tails before her ears completely cleared up.  The so called 'high quality' pet food we were feeding her obviously didn't contain high quality ingredients. Obviously the claims of "quality" were in reference to their advertising campaigns.

We are grateful for your efforts in developing Happy Tails dog food and bringing it to market. 

Ruchel & China


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