Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Tails is
proud to be Green

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Benny came to our Campbell River shelter as a stray dog, wondering through neighbourhoods and along a busy highway.  Gary and I have been dog walkers with the S.P.C.A. for several years and it was "love at first sight" upon walking this Jack Russell/Beagle mix.  He was timid, fearful and shy and after several weeks at the shelter, we knew we had to have him.
We put him immediately on Happy Tails, after researching your product on-line.  Six weeks later, we have a healthy, happy dog, with a shinier coat and an abundance of energy. Loving, loyal and obedient, he is also the perfect "fetch and retrieve" ball-playing dog. 

We endorse your product and have informed many of our dog-owner friends to your website.  Many have made the switch to Happy Tails, especially those whose dogs have skin conditions and food allergies. 
I hope you hear from them too.
Attached are a few photos of our beloved Benny (our Happy Tails Dog).  We purchase your food from Shar-Kare, who tell us that they have other satisfied Happy Tails Customers.  You and Johanne should be very proud of your accomplishments.  We wish you continued success in your business and as proud dog-owners yourselves. 

Sheila, Gary & "Benny" Keats
Campbell River, BC


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