Happy Tails Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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proud to be Green

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Champion Breeder

Gainspride Kennels

Gainspride Kennels is located at Victoria, capital city of British Columbia, on Vancouver Island. Terry has had Labradors for 40 years. He trains, teaches and judges obedience for the Canadian Kennel Club. He also competes in conformation. Upon his retirement, he plans to do field work as well. Terry and Vicky breed a well rounded Labrador known for their good temperament.

Ch. Shawnigan Gainspride Obie Wan
Ch. Shawnigan Gainspride Obie Wan
Wicker (Ch. OTCH Cedarhills My Lady of Gainspride)
Wicker (Ch. OTCH Cedarhills My Lady of Gainspride)

Terry or Victoria Gains
(250) 479-0020







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